A gradient from yellow to green with black words saying April 2024: 'Terraform' + You Should Move to Alabama

April 2024: ‘Terraform’ + You Should Move to Alabama

We’re creeping into the summer sauna weather Alabama so generously provides each year, sadly ending a few weeks with our windows open and air conditioning off. Have you had to turn on the AC yet? 

Here’s your monthly recap: 

Best Book I Read This Month 

To terraform is to shape something previously inhospitable into something capable of supporting human life. The aptly named Terraform is a collection of essays and poetry from Propaganda (Jason Petty), a Jesus-following musician, speaker, and activist. Terraform is one of the most beautiful and thought-provoking books I’ve read. You can find out more about it here

Best Article I Read This Month

I have never turned on fingerprint or facial recognition on my phone. Why? Although I can’t imagine what situation would bring this about, I never want to make it easy for cops to unlock my phone. If you have these settings turned on on your phone, I would turn them off ASAP since the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has ruled that police can force you to unlock your phone using these methods. Read all about the ruling here (and then head over to your phone settings to remedy the situation). 

Tip + Trick of the Month

I saw this chart recently and thought it beautifully illustrated how we should reframe our thoughts around consumption: 

Quote of the Month

“Our culture does not need any more churches run like corporations; it needs local communities empowered by the gospel vision of a transforming Christ who addresses the needs of the context and changes the polis into a place of hope and wholeness.” -Alan Roxburgh 

Thought for the Month

You should move to Alabama.

Or whatever your version of Alabama might be. Mine just so happens to be the literal version.

The end of April signaled one year since I moved from the Midwest to the South. My life is remarkably different now, and it’s not just from the typical changes that come with moving to another state. It’s because of environmental design. 

I wanted to start hiking, so I moved somewhere that has mountain hiking trails that are easily accessible. 

I wanted to spend more time in the sun and outdoors, so I moved somewhere that stays much warmer than Iowa all year long. 

I wanted to walk more, so I moved to a neighborhood designed to draw me outside. 

I wanted to see the ocean more, so I moved somewhere that makes it easy to spend a weekend at the Gulf of Mexico. 

The list could go on and on. Here’s the conclusion: You don’t actually have to move to Alabama, but if you are stuck in the wrong environment for you, you can change it

It might not be easy. It might not be overnight. Your friends might be confused (mine have only understood the draw of Huntsville, Alabama after visiting). But struggle through it, work toward it, do it scared. 

You’re worth creating an environment that supports the life you want to live. 

I’ll catch you next month, friends.