March 2024: ‘Fuzz’ + Why I Got Rid of My TV

Spring has sprung and I am certainly grateful for the sunshine. 

Here’s your monthly recap: 

Best Book I Read This Month 

What happens when nature breaks the law? Animals, of course, don’t abide by human laws and therefore can’t actually “break” them. But a huge part of wildlife management is dealing with clashes between humans and animals. Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law highlights several of these clashes and fairly represents both animal and human interests. You can find it here

Best Article I Read This Month

Sawfish are already endangered, but some mysterious ailment has started to make their numbers drop. Whatever is plaguing them makes the illusive fish spin in circles, raise their saws out of the air, and take part in other very abnormal behaviors before dying. Read about the race to save this cool fish (and other species at risk) here

Tip + Trick of the Month

Quote of the Month

“I lay there under the stars and thought of what a great responsibility it is to be human. I am a human because God made me. I experience suffering and temptation because mankind chose to follow Satan. God is reaching out to rescue me.” -Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz

Thought for the Month

I got rid of my TV in January. 

Okay, I didn’t throw it in the trash. But I unplugged it, took it out of the living room, and put it under my bed where it has been collecting dust for the last three months. 

Why? Because I was watching too much TV and the simplest way to remove the habit was to get rid of the cue. 

Every time I walked into our living room, turning on the TV was easy. The remotes beckoned and the screen was right there. It became the simplest action to take at the end of the work day, walking into the door, or just putting on in the background. 

Now, if I want to watch a show or a movie, I have to be much more intentional about my choice. I could pull out the TV or choose to connect my laptop to a little projector we have (or just watch on my laptop). But since the TV is not ready to use and I don’t watch things on my phone, extra friction has been added to the whole practice. 

And now our living room is more oriented toward other things. A record player and our record collection have taken the place of the TV. I turn on podcasts and audio books in the background while I’m cooking and cleaning. My sister and I sit on the couch and talk more frequently. 

Where can you add friction to make a bad habit less appealing? 

Enjoy the flowers these April showers bring, friends. I’ll catch you next month.

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